[Type*] - Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. These versions are NOT to be confused with the originals and Fragance Crafters has no affiliation with the manufacturers/designers. Our interpretation of this fragrance was created through chemical analysis and reproduction and this description is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturers/designer's name and valuable trademark.
Compliance with the federal trade commission's statement of policy regarding comparative advertising. Statement of policy visit: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/policystmt/ad-compare.htm
100% Vegetable Base by Black Soap. Body butter soap contains a unique blend
of mango, shea butter and aloe which softens, moisturizes and soothes dry
skin, conditioning while tempting the senses with a bouquet of natural
Remarks: This soap also known as THREE-in-ONE Soap.
DISCLAIMER: [Type*] - Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. These versions are NOT to be confused with the originals and 3rd Phaze Body Oils Inc has no affiliation with the manufacturers/designers. Our interpretation of this fragrance was created through chemical analysis and reproduction and this description is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturers/designer's name and valuable trademark. Compliance with the federal trade commission's statement of policy regarding comparative advertising. Statement of policy visit: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/policystmt/ad-compare.htmDISCLAIMER: