Sale!DISCLAIMER: [Type*] - Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. These versions are NOT to be confused with the originals and Fragance Crafters has no affiliation with the manufacturers/designers. Our interpretation of this fragrance was created through chemical analysis and reproduction and this description is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturers/designer's name and valuable trademark. Compliance with the federal trade commission's statement of policy regarding comparative advertising. Statement of policy visit: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/policystmt/ad-compare.htm
- Help boost the immune system.
- Reduce fluid retention.
- May relieve symptoms related to cough and congestion.
- May help with respiratory infections.
- May aid in the reduction of pain and inflammation caused from arthritis & headache.
- May increase sex drive and boost endurance.
- Help with stomach issues such as diarrhea.
- May support anemia and also improve the entire circulatory system.
- May aid in removing toxic substance and purifies the blood.
- May help to lower blood pressure.
- Helps to lower cholesterol level.
- May support good brain function.
- May reverse liver damage.
- May promote a healthy kidney and skin.
- May help support hormonal imbalance.
- Support a good digestive health.
Bitters will have some solid or partially solid herbs in liquid.
Black seed has been used for a variety of purposes for over two thousand years. It has been used to treat headaches, toothaches, conjunctivitis, and abscesses. It is frequently used today to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma, cough, bronchitis, emphysema, flu, and nasal and chest congestion. It strengthens your immune system. Black seed is also useful for treating digestive conditions such as gas. Colic, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, and hemorrhoids.
Bitters are a great tool for balancing your digestive system over time. They naturally stimulate digestive enzymes and calming any inflammation in your G.I. tract. Supports liver heath and reduces gas and bloating. Bitters taste great when added to seltzer, tea, or cocktails. Support your digestive health today with black seed living bitters. Made in the USA. Made in the USA.
Ingredients: Black Seed, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Sheep Sorrel, Watercress, Turkey Rhubarb Root, Blessed Thistle Leaves, Red Clover, Kelp, Astralagus Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Dandelion Root, Oat, Straw, Chrysanthemum, Cats Claw, Bitter Melon, Aloe Ferox, Cilantro Chicory, Amla Amalak, Incan Berries, Spearmint, Bois Bande Root, Strong Black, Semi Contra, Sea Moss, Maca, Ginko Biloba, Gotu Kola, Distilled Water, Moringa Leaf, Ginger Roots, Neem Oil, Aloe Vera, Blessing Olive Oil, Camphor, Myrrh, Cardamom, Licorice Root, Manna, Juniper Berry, Sennal Leaves, Fennel, Turmeric, Zaffron, Cinnamon, Angelica Root, Hyssop Lean & Flower, Peppermint Essential Oil, Zam Zam Water, Lime.