· Constipation · Diarrhea · Vomiting · Food sensitivities · Weight loss or gain · Skin issues · Loss of appetite · IBS-like symptoms · Fatigue DIRECTION: Take : 2 ounces twice a day best results. Ingredients: Wormwood, Black walnut (Juglans nigra) Cloves aromatic), Oregano Oil, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Other Po Remedies for a Parasite Cleanse Garlic (and Onions), Pumpkin Papaya Seeds, Probiotics, Detox Herbs, Benefits: The seeds of both pumpkins and papayas are both considered anti-parasitic foods. Adding them to your diet, and particularly on an empty stomach, can help your body get rid of invaders Pumpkin seeds make a great snack either raw or toasted and you with a good amount of fiber and nutrients. You can also eat seeds raw (be warned, they are a bit peppery) or blend them with fruits/veggies in a smoothie. Made in Ghana DEALING WITH PESKY PARASITES